How to Create a Beautiful and Emotional Angel Photo Manipulation in Photoshop - BR

Saturday, April 22, 2017

How to Create a Beautiful and Emotional Angel Photo Manipulation in Photoshop

How to Create a Beautiful and Emotional Angel Photo Manipulation in Photoshop
In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create a beautiful scene for the angel by manipulating different stock images. You will create an angel by working on the blend mode, shadows & lighting, colour matching techniques and push your manipulations skills to a new level in Photoshop.

You will learn how you can create this Angel Manipulation in photoshop.We’ll first combine different stock images to create a nice scene and then use texture to give it a vignette effect. Then add model to the scene and work with shadows,lights,deal with hair and add wings to her create an angel. Blend the angel to the scene with variety of blendings techniques.Then add the leaves to the scene and finish it up with applying final adjustment layer.At the end I will show a simple way to make the aura or circle for an angel. You’ll need Photoshop CS6 or newer to follow this tutorial.
Tutorial Resources
Sky SalsolaStock
Nebula by JennyLe
Rain texture by Koko-Stock
Beach by Fotophi
Model by Mjranum Stock
Hair stocks by CindysArt
Wing by Wolverine
Leaves byMaureenOslder
Debris brush byZigabooooo
Step 1

Start by creating a new document.Goto file>new and set the setting as shown in the image below.

Step 2

Now place the sand beach image to the main canvas by selecting File>place then locate the sand beach image and name it base.We use place command because photoshop automatically place the image as Smart Object.

Step 3

Now add a layer mask to the base image by selecting second button on layer panel or see the below image.Then pick the brush tool by pressing (B) on keyboard and gently paint with soft round black brush on the layer mask. You can see the result below.

Step 4

Now, add a Hue/Saturation(layer>new adjustment layer>hue/saturation or see the image below)adjustment layer then click the button shown in the image to create a clipping mask.By Creating Clipping mask this layer(Hue/Saturation) will only effect the layer which is clip to it not to the rest of the layers.Set the setting of the Hue/Saturation as shown in the image below.

Here are the results.

Step 5

Now, Place the sky image below the base layer.

Step 6

Now,Add a Curves and Brightness/Contrast adjustment layer to sky and set the setting as shown in the image.

Here are the results.

Step 7

Now, place the nebula image above the base layer. Now activate transform tool(Ctrl/Cmd+T or Edit > Free Transform) and then transform the image the as shown in the image below.

Then change the blend mode to soft light and reduce the opacity to 65%.Here are the results.You can see that we have created a vignette effect.We will add more vignette effect to the scene at the end of this tutorial.

Step 8

Place the Rain texture above the nebula layer.

Step 9

Add a layer mask to the rain texture and paint with soft round black brush on layer mask to hide the unwanted part.You can see the result on layer mask as well as on the main canvas.

Change the blend mode to soft light. Here are the results

Step 10

Place the beach image to the canvas and activate the transform tool then scale it as shown in the image.Then change the blend mode of beach to Multiply.

Step 11

As you can see the arrows and selected part indicating the base image part and we have to hide these parts to blend base image properly to the scene.

To do this, again select the layer mask of the base image and paint with soft round black brush to hide it.You can see the results on layer mask and the overall results.

Step 12

Now,Create a new layer by pressing (Ctrl+Shift+N) on keyboard then pick the soft round brush reduce the opacity and flow to 30%.Choose the color #0d2c2e and paint as shown in the image below.

Then change the blend mode to color dodge.You can see the results.Before heading forward,select all the layers we have created so far by holding shift key select the top layer then select the bottom layer and then group them by pressing CMD/CTRL+G. Name that group base.

Step 13

Extract the model using your favourite selection tool then place it to the main canvas.

Step 14

Now create a new layer(Ctrl+Shift+N) below the model layer and pick soft round black brush set the opacity and flow to 30% then paint some shadows(see the arrows).

Step 15

In this step we will add more shadows for the model.So, duplicate the model layer and select the original layer. Then activate the transform tool(Ctrl/Cmd+T or Edit > Free Transform) and right click on it choose flip vertical. Then again right click on it choose distort and distort the image as shown in the image below.

Now,Drag the distorted image as shown in the image.

Step 16

Reduce the lightness of the distorted image by adding Hue/Saturation adjustment layer. Set the setting as shown in the image but don’t forget to clip it.

Then go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur and the set the radius 63.5 . Here are the results

Step 17

Now,Right click on the model duplicated image and choose the blending options. Apply the Color and Gradient Overlay effect to the model. See the image below for the setting.

Here are the results after applying the blending options effects.

Step 18

Now, we will blend the model to the scene.First of all, Reduce the exposure of the model by adding exposure adjustment layer and then match the color of the model to the scene by adding a color balance adjustment layer.See the setting of both adjustment layer below and don’t forget to clip these layers to the model.

Here are the results.

Step 19

We need to hide the exposure adjustment layer effect on model shoulder because lights come from there(see arrows).

Step 20

To do this click on the layer mask of exposure adjustment layer and paint with soft round black brush to hide the effect..

Here are the result so far.

Step 21

Now add a solid color adjustment layer to the model and choose the color #0a5933.Clip it to model layer.

Then change the blend mode to soft light and reduce the opacity to 50%.Here are the results:

Step 22

In this step we will fix the hair. Open the hair stock psd file in Photoshop.Then choose the light layer(bottom) and drag it to the main canvas then name it hair.

Hide the rest of the part by adding a layer mask to the hair then paint with soft round black brush.

Step 23

Now right click on the hair layer and choose blending options.Apply a drop shadow effect and then add a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer then clip it to hair.

As you can see we have blended the hair to the scene.Now select all the layer and group them.Name that group Model.

Step 24

Add more hair to the model and this time select the top light layer in PSD files of hair stocks.Then Place it as shown in the image.Name it Hair 2.

Add layer mask to hair 2 and hide the selected part in the image by adding layer mask to hair 2 then paint with soft round black brush.

Step 25

Now,right click on the hair 2 layer and choose blending options.Then apply a drop shadow effect and set the setting as shown in the image.

Here are the results.

Step 26

Add Hue/Saturation and Color Balance adjustments layers to hair 2 then clip it to hair 2. Set the setting as shown in the image below.

Here are the results.Now group all the hair 2 layer and name that group Hair 2.

Step 27

To create more thickness for the hair use burn tool and then duplicate the hair group 2 times.

Step 28

After duplicating the hair 2 group two times, add layer mask to both the duplicated groups.Pick the soft round black brush and paint on the layer mask of duplicated hair 2 groups as shown in the image.

Step 29

Now add wings to the model.

Step 30

Right click on the wing layer and choose blending options.Apply Inner Shadow effect.

Drop Shadow settings.

Results should be similar to this.

Step 31

Create a new layer above the wing layer,clip it to wing and Activate the Cone Stamp Tool (S) on keyboard then clone the part of the wing indicated by the circle.Again Create a new layer below the wing layer and grab the soft round black brush tool with the opacity and flow 30%.Paint the shadows indicated by arrows.You can also apply the Guassian blur filter or reduce the opacity of layer if you painted it too much.

Here are the results.

Step 32

Now add a Exposure and Gradient Map Adjustment layer to the wing then clip it to wing.Set the blend mode of Gradient Map Adjustment layer to color dodge and reduce the opacity to 89%.Set the setting of these adjustments layer as shown in the image below.

The results should be similar to this.

Step 33

Paint on the layer mask of the gradient map adjustment layer with a soft round black brush as shown in the image below to hide effect of the Gradient Map adjustment layer.

Step 34

Add a color balance adjustment layer to the wings and clip it to wing.

Solid Color adjustment layer settings and clip it to wing.Then set the blend mode of this layer to soft light and reduce the opacity to 17%.

Step 35

Here are the results after applying color balance and solid color adjustment layer.

Step 36

On the layer mask of the Color Balance adjustment layer paint with soft round black brush as shown in the image below.

Step 37

Create a new layer above all the layers and then go to Edit>Fill.Set the setting as shown in the image below.

Step 38

Then change the blend mode of this layer to overlay.Then pick the Dodge/Burn tool by pressing (O) on keyboard,set the exposure to 9% and range to shadow.Then Dodge and Burn as shown in the image.

Step 39

Place the leaves to the main document.Feel free to arrange the leaves as you want.I have used two leaves image in two layers to arrange the leaves as shown in the image below.

Step 40

Then, Select Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur and set the radius to 2.8 pixels.

Here are the results.

Step 41

Now group the leaves layer and then name it Leaves.Then apply Hue/Saturation and Curves adjustment layer to leaves group and clip it to Leaves group.

Here are the results.

Step 42

Add a Color Balance adjustment layer to the leaves group to match color of the leaves to the scene and clip it to group.

Here are the results.

Step 43

Create a new layer and pick the brush tool.Choose the color #45260e then paint some lights as shown in the image.Name this layer lights.

Set the blend mode to color dodge.

Step 44

Paint more lights to the scene.So, again create a new layer and paint with same color in previous step.Name this layer light 2.

Then set the blend mode to color dodge and reduce the opacity to 60%.Group lights layer and name that group Lights.

Step 45

It’s time to add the final adjustment layers.From this step, we will apply six adjustment layer without clipping.So,add Gradient Map and Brightness/Contrast adjustment layer.Change the blend mode of the Gradient Map Adjustment layer to soft light and reduce the opacity to 58%.

Here are the results.

Step 46

Add a Color Look up adjustment layer then set the blend mode to color and reduce the opacity to 47%.

Here are the results.

Step 47

Now, add a Solid Color adjustment layer then change the blend mode to soft light and reduce the opacity to 56%.

Here are the results.

Step 48

Now add a Color balance adjustment layer and set the setting as shown in the image below.

Here are the results.

Step 49

Add another Color Look up adjustment layer and set the blend mode to color and reduce the opacity to 50%.

Here are the results.Group all the final adjustments and name that group Final Adjustments.

Step 50

In this step I will show a simple way to create a circle or aura for an angel.To create aura for an angel,create a new layer then select the brush tool.Choose the soft round Left Hand Pose Brush and set the size to 60 pixels then hardness to 90%.Now Paint on the layer as shown in the image and you have results like this shown in the image below.

Step 51

Add a layer mask to the layer and reduce the brush size to 40 to 45 pixels.Paint on the layer mask as shown in the image below.

Here are the results.

Step 52

Now,right click on the circle layer and choose blending options.Then add a outer glow effects.

Step 53

Create a new layer and pick soft round black brush then choose the color #986f27.Paint the light on the model head as shown by arrow in the image below.

Step 54

Create a new layer and load the debris brushes.Then Paint some debris like shown in the image below.

Step 55

We will give a Vignette effect to the scene.To create Vignette effect Stamp all the layers in one layer by pressing (Ctrl+Shift+Alt+N).Then convert it to smart objects, to do this right click on layer and choose convert to smart objects.Then Go to Filter>Render>Lighting Effects and set the setting as shown in the image below.

Here are the results.

Final Step

This is the final step. On the layer mask of the smart filter and paint with soft round black brush in the selected area as shown in the image below.Congratulations, you have created a Beautiful Angel.

Final Results

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